Lower Power Bills
At Ecobulb we are dedicated to rolling out energy efficiency projects that save homes and businesses significant amounts on their energy bills.
Fewer Power Stations
Equally importantly, our energy efficiency projects reduce the electricity network peak loads up to ten times more cost effectively than it costs electricity generators to build new power stations and lines companies to build new poles and wires.
We Do All The Work
We realise that our government, electricity sector, energy trust, city council and local community partners are busy with their day jobs. From go to whoa, we take care of delivering everything in our energy efficiency projects with our partners to maximise their benefits for their minimum possible workload.
Proven Track Record
We have a proven track record from delivering 110 large Ecobulb and energy efficiency projects with governments, the electricity sector, energy trusts, city councils and local communities in New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Germany since 2004.
At Ecobulb we are committed to working with government, the electricity sector, energy trusts, city councils and local communities to deliver large scale energy saving residential and commercial lighting projects and home energy efficiency projects – to reduce consumer power bills, to reduce the need for new power stations and poles and wires to be built and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Our mission is to save enough electricity to power New Zealand for a year – and we are 64% of the way to our goal!
25 Million
Energy saving ecobulb light bulbs installed in 3.4 million homes and businesses in New Zealand, Australia and the United States
19 Million Tonnes
Lifetime carbon dioxide emissions reduced
$6 Billion
Lifetime electricity savings delivered
45,000 Homes
Completed an energy assessment and various energy savings upgrades
World Leading
Residential and commercial LEDs and home energy assessment platform
Multi -Award Winning
Of various New Zealand awards for business, energy efficiency, sustainability, clean technology and innovation.
Our Energy Efficiency Services
We deliver large scale energy saving residential and commercial lighting projects and home energy efficiency projects.
Commercial Lighting
We work with our long-term manufacturing and installation partners to retrofit large commercial buildings with world leading performance commercial LED fitting replacements of up to 240 lumens per watt efficiency and 54,000-hour lifetimes with motion and daylight sensors integrated into each fitting.
Residential LED Projects
Our residential ecobulb LED projects involve thousands, tens of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people at a time receiving free ecobulb LEDs to reduce their power bills during projects we run with government, the electricity sector, energy trusts, city councils and local communities.
Home Energy Saver Projects
Our residential Home Energy Saver Projects help thousands of homes in energy hardship reduce for free their power bills in individual projects we run with government, the electricity sector, energy trusts, city councils and local communities. Our locally recruited energy assessors use our unique Power$aver software to assess a home’s energy savings potential with instant results and recommendations through personalised, easy-to-implement energy savings strategy for each home – along with various energy savings products and actions that we install in or provide to each home.
Heat Pump Water Heaters
While heat pump water heaters can reduce hot water heating costs by up to 75%, they are so expensive that only 0.6% of kiwi homes have one. That’s why we at Ecobulb are taking everything we have learnt over the last 20 years in our lighting and home energy savings projects to change this and unlock this huge energy savings opportunity for New Zealand.
Energy Efficiency First
Residential LED Projects
South Canterbury Ecobulb LED Project, April 2018:
Ecobulb distributed 45,000 ecobulb LEDs to South Canterbury homes in an April 2018 LED project with LineTrust South Canterbury and EECA. More information.
King Country Ecobulb LED Project, January 2019:
Ecobulb distributed 34,700 ecobulb LEDs to King Country homes in a January 2019 LED project with the King Country Trust. More information.
Home Energy Saver Projects
Northland Home Energy Saver Project, 2022 to now:
Ecobulb have completed 3,600 home energy assessments and various energy efficiency installations and actions in low-income Northland homes between 2022 and now with Northpower and with MBIE. More information.
Auckland Home Energy Saver Project, 2023 to now:
Ecobulb have completed 1,500 home energy assessments and various energy efficiency installations and actions in low-income Auckland homes in 2023 with the Auckland Council and MBIE, and in 2024 to now with the Auckland Council and Vector. More information.