Case Studies
Commercial Lighting Projects

Justice Centre, Wellington
The Justice Centre is a large 16-storey office block located in Thorndon Wellington which is tenanted by a number of government departments.
The building has a DALI lighting control system so the Ecobulb supplied LED luminaires had to be compatible. Compatibility with the buildings third party contractors prior to procurement was validated. Being busy offices, most of the installation works are being completed after hours. In total we installed 4,500 luminaires that will collectively save the tenants of these offices over $360,000 a year on their electricity bills.
New Zealand Post, Palmerston North
New Zealand Post’s Manawatu Mail Centre is a busy warehouse and office which runs seven days a week, 20 hours a day.
The facility already had a DALI lighting control system installed, so we had to supply luminaires that were DALI compatible, including commissioning. The site was occupied and operating almost 24/7, so significant planning was involved to ensure we didn’t disrupt their operations. This lighting upgrade is saving New Zealand Post over $20,000 a year and has reduced their lighting power bills by 80%.

Cookes, Auckland
Cookes is a fast-paced, dynamic operation, with its entire facility spanning 6,760m².
The facility recently completed an LED upgrade to further advance its sustainability initiatives while enhancing the work environment. This upgrade, which involved installing energy-efficient LED lighting in both the office and warehouse, is saving Cookes over $20,000 a year and has reduced their lighting power bills by 80%.
Healthcare Logistics, Richard Pearse Drive Auckland
The Healthcare Logistics facility on Richard Pearse Drive spans approximately 3,000 m² of open warehouse space.
Healthcare Logistics' warehouse and office previously relied on traditional lighting, but switched to energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce their electricity bills. Due to the high level of activity in both areas, most of the installation was carried out outside regular business hours. This upgrade is saving over $30,000 a year and has reduced their lighting power bills by 72%.

Healthcare Logistics, Verissimo Drive Auckland
Healthcare Logistics, spanning 6,760m², is a leading provider of healthcare supply chain solutions in New Zealand.
Healthcare Logistics' warehouse and office originally used conventional lighting, but the transition to high-efficiency LED lighting has led to substantial cost savings. Given the high activity in both areas, most of the installation work is completed after business hours. This upgrade is saving Healthcare Logistics over $32,000 a year and has reduced their lighting power bills by 62%.
ProPharma Auckland
ProPharma operates a large 15,000m² office and warehouse facility located in Auckland.
Recently ProPharma upgraded its office and warehouse facilities in Auckland by incorporating energy-efficient LED lighting, further advancing its sustainability efforts while enhancing the work environment. This upgrade is saving ProPharma over $35,000 a year and has reduced their lighting power bills by 73%.

Residential LED Projects
Ashburton Ecobulb LED and Home Energy Saver Project, October 2023:
Ecobulb distributed 10,700 ecobulb LEDs to Ashburton homes in an October 2023 LED project with EA Networks and EECA, following by 277 qualifying Ashburton homes receiving follow-up in-home Ecobulb energy assessments with various free energy savings actions undertaken.
Home Energy Saver Projects
King Home Energy Saver Project, 2021 and 2022:
Ecobulb completed 2,900 home energy assessments and various energy efficiency installations and actions in low-income King Country homes in 2021 and 2022 with the King Country and Maru Energy Trusts and with MBIE. More information can be found here and in the link below.
Home Heat Pump Water Heaters
Christchurch home saving $1,185 per year on their hot water costs
Ecobulb replaced the gas hot water heater for a Christchurch family of four with one of their heat pump water heaters. Despite having four heavy hot water users and programming their heat pump water heater to run just seven hours per day to maximise their savings, they never run out of hot water and are saving $1,185 per year on their hot water costs.